Personal projects

There are two main reasons for me to create applications.

The first one is - I find enjoying the process of creating the apps themselves (and like other engineers, I have many ideas I want to implement).

The second one is - I am a proponent of the “learning by doing” approach, and every time I learn or try some new tool or technology, I usually create an application or a prototype using it.

Below, the list of projects I worked on in my free time.


"Timers" is a clean and straightforward multi-timers application for Android.
Status: Released (March 15, 2021)
Tools I used: Kotlin, Android Jetpack components


"みんなのWoD" is a tool for tracking one-rep-max (1RM) for different weight-lifting exercises (single and complex) and calculating and showing percentages of 1RM.
Status: Released (June 15, 2020)
Tools I used: Dart/Flutter, Django (admin + front page), Kotlin+Ktor (API), GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Sentry, Docker

"The Portal"

"The Portal" is a prototype of an application for "The Portal" podcast for mobile devices.
Status: Prototype (March 15, 2020)
Tools I used: Dart/Flutter

"CrossFit Hakata"

"CrossFit Hakata" is is a website with a schedule management and class booking system for a local (Fukuoka, Japan) CrossFit gym.
Status: Released (April 13, 2019)
Tools I used: Django, Wagtail CMS, Vue.js, PostgreSQL, Docker